Success by Committee
Much of NADP’s success can be attributed to the many dedicated people who support the network: site operators who collect samples, sponsoring organizations that provide financial support, and data users who offer recommendations for improved data quality, delivery, and products. While Program Office staff coordinate network operations, committees guide the Program.
The Executive Committee provides program direction and acts on recommendations of the subcommittees, Budget Advisory Committee, and Quality Assurance Advisory Group.
Most initiatives, projects, and recommendations for program change are developed by two standing technical subcommittees that advise the Executive Committee.
- The Network Operations Subcommittee (NOS) oversees field-siting criteria and laboratory and sample collection protocols, and evaluates equipment and record keeping methods.
- The Education and Outreach Subcommittee (EOS) coordinates outreach and education activities among the network and scientific subcommittees
Science Committees are focused on key areas of atmospheric deposition, scientific interest and/or applications. Science Committees are not necessarily in direct support of NADP networks, but seek close and direct affiliation.
- The Critical Loads Atmospheric Deposition Science Committee (CLAD) facilitates sharing of technical information related to the development and use of critical loads for atmospheric deposition impacts to ecosystems.
- The mission of the Total Deposition Science Committee (TDep) is to improve estimates of atmospheric deposition by advancing the science of measuring and modeling atmospheric wet, dry, and total deposition of species such as sulfur, nitrogen and mercury by providing a forum for the exchange of information on current and emerging issues within a broad multi-organization context including atmospheric scientists, ecosystem scientists, resource managers, and policy makers.
- The mission of the Aeroallergen Monitoring Science Committee (AMSC) is to engage multi-disciplinary stakeholders in advancing the science of aeroallergen monitoring, including identifying emerging technologies, evaluating methods to ensure data quality, coordination of monitoring stations, and possibly serving as a repository of long-term aeroallergen monitoring data.
- The mission of the Mercury in the Environment and Links to Deposition (MELD) Science Committee is to improve our understanding of atmospherically-derived mercury sources, pathways, processes, and effects on the environment. MELD provides an ongoing forum for technical exchange of information on current and emerging issues relevant to atmospheric mercury deposition research and monitoring efforts within a broad multi-organization context including international, federal, state, and local agencies as well as academia, industry, and non-profit organizations.
Anyone with interest in NADP is encouraged to attend and participate in subcommittee meetings. Through involvement in a subcommittee, a NADP member gains voting rights within that group on issues of importance to the NADP.
For more information about NADP's committees, please see the NADP Governance Handbook.
Email Lists
To foster communication in between meetings, the NADP maintains a Google Groups email list for each of its committees.
Subscription to each of the Subcommittee and Scientific Committee lists is open to all who are interested. Subscriptions to the lists for the Executive Committee and the Budget Advisory Committees are closed and are managed by the Program Office.
Mail to the lists is moderated to prevent the distribution of spam, viruses, phishing attempts, advertisements, and off-topic posts.
When using the lists, please remember that replies to lists' messages are sent only to the original sender. If you wish to reply to the entire list, you will need to edit the email address appropriately.
Open-subscription NADP lists
Committee | Address to send messages to: |
Education and Outreach Subcommittee (EOS) | |
Network Operations Subcommittee (NOS) | |
Critical Loads from Atmospheric Deposition (CLAD) | |
Total Deposition Science Committee (TDEP) | |
Aeroallergen Monitoring Science Committee (AMSC) | |
Mercury in the Environment and Links to Deposition (MELD) | |
Closed-subscription NADP lists
Committee | Address to send messages to: |
Executive | |
Budget Advisory | |
All Committees | |
Messages sent to the nadp-announce lists are distributed to members of all committees. It is a low-volume list used primarily for meeting announcements. Due to its wide distribution, messages sent to nadp-announce are limited to messages of broad appeal. If the NADP Program Office determines that a submitted message is not appropriate, the message may be rejected, or the sender may be asked to resubmit it to a different list.
The NADP also maintains lists for the operating personnel (operators and supervisors) of each of its networks. It also has one mailing list ( that encompasses all committee and operational lists. Only NADP Program Office staff are permitted to submit messages to these lists.
Subscribe to Mailing List
To subscribe to any of NADP's open-subscription mailing lists, send an email message to: (Substitute groupname with the committee or group name (i.e. nadp-nos) you'd like to join.) The group owner will need to approve your subscription request before you can join.
Unsubscribe from Mailing List
To unsubscribe to any of NADP's subscription mailing lists, send an email message
(Substitute groupname with the committee or group name (i.e. nadp-nos) you'd like to unsubscribe from.)