Operator Support

Operator support is available to help answer questions about sampling, equipment, shipping, and general site questions. Call the 1-800-952-7353 toll free number or send an email to the network email addresses.

For help with a network click the links below or click on the photo below that matches the type of equipment you need help with.

Precipitation Data

Precipitation data from the electronic gauge should be downloaded and submitted each week. Submission of the data files on a regular basis allows the data review team to identify any potential issues with the operation of the gauge and/or collectors. There are two convenient ways to submit the data.

How to submit precipitation data files:

Electronic rain gauge data are processed automatically upon receipt and will be available from the URL listed below. If data for the current week are not available when the URL is accessed, verify the following:

  1. Confirm the email was sent (check the Sent items folder)
  2. Confirm the file was attached to the sent email
  3. Confirm the file has the correct file extension. PDA files are .xml, and Flash Drive (SC115) and LoggerLink are .dat
  4. If data are still not available, please contact the NADP Site Liaison. There may be a problem with the automation script

By email:


By website file upload:


How to view precipitation data:


To view data from an individual site:

  1. Select Site ID. Only sites with available electronic rain gauge data are listed.
  2. Choose the time display format (Standard, Daylight Savings, or UTC).
  3. Click on the sample start date on the calendar, then choose the ON time (from the field form) from the time option below the calendar.
  4. Choose the sample end date on the same calendar, then choose the OFF time (from field form) from the time option below the calendar.
  5. Click on View Data button to display tabular and graphical data

Data Download Methods
NTN – National Trends Network

Manuals and SOPs

NTN Site Operations Manual
NTN Field Hold Times
Transition to Bag Sampling

Bag Sampling

Sample Bag Preparation
Sample Bag Changeout
Sample Bag Decanting

Field Form (FORF)
SiteID Barcode Labels
Running low on supplies? Complete the Sampling Supply Inventory Survey or call 1-800-952-7353.

Field QA – Field Audit

The field-audit program program is one of the external quality-assurance programs operated by the U.S. Geological Survey for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN). It was designed to measure the effects of field exposure, handling and processing on the chemistry of NADP/NTN precipitation samples. Field-audit data are used to estimate contamination levels in NADP/NTN samples and to evaluate the stability (preservation) of solutes in the samples.


Training Videos

NTN Bag Sampling Preparation

YouTube Video

NTN Bag Sampling Decanting

YouTube Video

NTN NCON Sample Changeout

NTN Aerochem (ACM) Sample Changeout

MDN – Mercury Deposition Network

Manuals and SOPs

MDN Site Operations Manual
MDN Field Hold Times


MDN Sample Change – Aerochem (ACM)
MDN Sample Change – NCON

Field form (MOF)
SiteID Barcode Labels

Field QA – System Blank

The system blank program is one of the external quality-assurance programs external quality assurance programs operated by the U.S. Geological Survey for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/Mercury Deposition Network (NADP/MDN). The system blank program is designed to measure the effects of field exposure, handling and processing on the chemistry of NADP/MDN precipitation samples. This program is vital in maintaining high data quality produced by the NADP.


Training Video

MDN NCON Sample Changeout

YouTube Video

MDN Aerochem (ACM) Sample Changeout

AMoN – Ammonia Monitoring Network

Manuals and SOPs

AMoN Site Operations Manual
AMoN Field Hold Times

Sample Change

AMoN Sample Change
Field form

Data Report Memos

Training Video

AMoN Sample Changeout

YouTube Video
AMNet – Atmospheric Mercury Monitoring Network
MLN – Mercury Litterfall Network

Manuals and SOPs

MLN Sampling SOP
Field form