NADP Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium
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Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium

The NADP Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium will be in Duluth, MN from November 4-8, 2024.

Abstract submissions deadline: 8/16/2024

The NADP Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium will be in Duluth, MN from November 4-8, 2024.

Abstract submissions deadline: 8/16/2024

The NADP Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium will be in Duluth, MN from November 4-8, 2024.

Abstract submissions deadline: 8/16/2024

AQAW 2024
Air Quality Awareness Week 2024

Air Quality Awareness Week will be celebrated May 6-10, 2024.

Air Quality Awareness Week will be celebrated May 6-10, 2024.

Air Quality Awareness Week will be celebrated May 6-10, 2024. The purpose of Air Quality Awareness Week is to bring attention to air pollutants that damage human health and environmental health.

NTN Slide
National Trends Network

The NTN provides a long-term record of the acids, nutrients, and base cations in the U.S. Precipitation

MDN Slide
Mercury Deposition Network

The MDN provides data on the geographic distributions and trends of mercury in precipitation.

AMoN Slide
Ammonia Monitoring Network

The AMON measures air concentration of ammonia using passive monitors

AMNet Slide
Atmospheric Mercury Network

The AMNet reports atmospheric mercury concentrations for determination of mercury dry deposition.

MLN Slide
Mercury Litterfall Network

The MLN provides an estimate of an important component of mercury dry deposition to a forested landscape

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NADP Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium
AQAW 2024
NTN Slide
MDN Slide
AMoN Slide
AMNet Slide
MLN Slide
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