Precipitation Gauges
Manuals and SOPs

- Manual – ETI NOAHIV
- Emptying Collection Chamber
- ETI Field Assembly Guide
- NOAH-IV Collection Chamber Repair
- Winterizing – Preparing the gauge for winter operation
- Summerizing – Preparing the gauge for summer operation
- CSI CR1000 Datalogger Manual (
- CSI CR1000X Datalogger Manual (
Ott Pluvio

Precipitation Data
Downloading and Submitting Gauge DataView e-gauge data
Wind Shields
NADP Committees passed a resolution that all NADP sites receiving at least 20 percent of their annual precipitation as snow should be equipped with an Alter-type wind shield. Sites at an altitude of 1,000 meters or more are encouraged to install a wind shield on their precipitation gauge.
Contact the NADP Site Liaison for recommendations and information on installation.

Wind Shield Map (Click to enlarge)