NADP Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium
2023 Theme: Climate change impacts on air quality
Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin, Pyle Center and Fluno Center
- Technical & Science Committee Meetings: October 23-24, 2023
- Scientific Symposium: October 25-26, 2023
- Field trip: EPIC Systems Renewable energy tour/Devil’s Lake State Park: October 27, 2023
Session recordings are now available 
Student Presentation Awards
The following students were the winners of the NADP Scientific Symposium Student Presentation competition. The students were judged on presentation, content, and critical thinking.
- Undergraduate poster: Jiatong Tang (University of Wisconsin-Madison). “Assessment of PFAS Deposition via Precipitation at Selected Locations in the Eastern U.S.“
- Master’s poster: Kaiya Shealy (Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi). “NOx Source Apportionment and Oxidation Chemistry in a Coastal Urban Airshed Using Stable Isotope Techniques: An Approach to Intermittent Sources.”
- Master’s presentation: Isabella Garrioch (Umeå University, visiting scholar). “Understanding Mercury Gaseous Fluxes at Marcell and the SPRUCE experiment Grand Rapids, Minnesota.”
- PhD presentation: Lillian Naimie (Colorado State University). “Contributions of Ammonia Dry Deposition to Excess Nitrogen Deposition in Rocky Mountain National Park.”

Photo by Spencer Fitzgerald on Unsplash
About the Meeting
The meeting is intended for scientists, resource managers, educators, students, policymakers, and others interested in atmospheric deposition, air quality, and its effects on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. NADP data has been used for decades to understand and solve real-world problems impacting people and the planet, including helping to facilitate cleaner water, healthier air quality, more productive fisheries, informed environmental planning, improved air quality and climate forecasting, and responsible environmental stewardship.
In person: $285
Virtual: $135
Student In person: $50
Student Virtual: No cost
Optional tour: $55
(If you need to pay for the Field Trip separately, there are instructions on the registration website for doing so.)
Registration is now closed
Hotel Information
Hotel blocks have been made at the Madison Concourse Hotel, Fluno Center, and Doubletree by Hilton Madison Downtown.
Hotel Block Details
Booking cutoff date: September 22, 2023
Poster Session
The in-person poster session will be held on Wednesday October 25, 2023 from 6:30-8:30 PM in The Pyle Center Alumni Lounge.
- Posters should not exceed the size of 48″ x 36″ (landscape)
- Please hang posters in the Pyle Center Alumni Lounge between 5:00-6:30 PM on October 25th.
Field Trip
An optional field trip is being organized to learn about Epic Systems renewable energy strategies and hike through the remaining fall colors at Devil’s Lake State Park. The trip will include a tour of the WI DNR Devil’s Lake Air Quality Monitoring Station (WI31).
- The cost for the field trip is $55. Payment can be done during the registration process.
If you need to pay for the Field Trip separately, follow the instructions on the registration website.
COVID-19 Statement
The health and safety of NADP attendees is our top priority. We will work with the venue to host the safest meeting possible. The current CDC Community Level for Dane, Co. = Low. We will comply with city, state and federal guidance regarding gatherings and masking, and will expect all attendees to do so as well. We will update this page continuously as we receive updates.
Agenda at a Glance
October 23, 2023: NADP Business Meetings
All attendees are welcome to attend the science committee meetings on Monday and Tuesday. There is no charge for the Technical and Science Committee meetings. Science Committees are focused on key areas of atmospheric deposition, scientific interest and/or applications, and are made up of NADP members who collaborate between meetings to apply NADP data to real-world problems. Whether you are new to NADP or a long-time member, if there is a topic that interests you, please join us in helping us move air quality science forward.
- Student/First time attendees orientation
- Joint Subcommittees
- Aeroallergen Monitoring Science Committee (AMSC)
- Critical Loads of Atmospheric Deposition (CLAD)
- Network Operations Subcommittee (NOS)
- CLAD Breakout Groups
October 24, 2024: NADP Business Meetings
- Education and Outreach Subcommittee (EOS)
- Total Deposition (TDep)
- Mercury in the Environment and Links to Deposition (MELD)
- Joint Subcommittees
- Executive Committee
Symposium Theme: NADP 2023: Climate change impacts on air quality
The agenda is available: Agenda (PDF)
The 2023 symposium theme brings climate change front and center as we advance our understanding of the interactions between changing temperatures and precipitation, and current and future environmental quality. We hope you join us in Madison and share your climate story.
While these will be the foci of the symposium, abstracts and presentations on all aspects of air quality and deposition monitoring, networks, novel measurement equipment, sampling and analytical methods, modeling, research linking data to ecological responses, and the application and use of data for education, land management, and policy are welcomed. We have identified the following session topics:
October 25, 2023: Scientific Symposium
- Welcome and Annual State of the NADP Address (Recording
- Keynote Address – Holly Bender, Sierra Club (Recording
- Session 1: Ecological effects of deposition and climate change (Recording
- Session 2: Emerging measurements and effects of aeroallergens and wildfire smoke (Recording
- Session 3: Deposition and effects of mercury, toxics, and hazardous air pollutants – Part 1 (Recording
- Poster Session
October 26, 2023: Scientific Symposium
- Session 4: Advances in measurements of atmospheric pollution – Part 1 (Recording
- Session 5: Modeling atmospheric concentrations and deposition (Recording
- Session 6: Deposition and effects of mercury, toxics, and hazardous air pollutants – Part 2 (Recording
- Session 7: Advances in measurements of atmospheric pollution – Part 2 (Recording
- Closing Remarks (Recording
October 27, 2023: Optional Field Trip: EPIC Systems Renewable energy tour/Devil’s Lake State Park
- Learn about EPIC Systems renewable energy,
- Visit WI31 – Devil’s Lake and talk with local researchers on how climate and air pollution is impacting the area,
- Hike through the remaining fall colors to quartzite bluffs that overlook the lake.
Student engagement
We encourage students from all air quality related disciplines to submit abstracts and attend the meeting. We will have multiple opportunities for students and other new attendees to network and interact with other NADP members during a welcome orientation on Monday morning and a student lunch on Wednesday. Current undergraduate and graduate students presenting posters or talks will be offered a discounted registration fee and will be eligible for an award for best student presentation.
Virtual Participation
There will be a virtual option for the Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium. The Technical and Science committee meetings on Monday and Tuesday will be made available at no charge. Zoom registration links are posted above.
There will be a registration charge for the virtual Scientific Symposium, Zoom links for the Wednesday and Thursday will be provided once the conference registration is processed.
For questions regarding the Technical & Science Committee Meetings, please contact Tim Sharac, Chair, NADP Network Operations Subcommittee,
For questions about the 2023 Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium, please contact Mike Bell, Vice-Chair NADP Executive Meeting,
For other inquiries, please contact David Gay, NADP Coordinator.
For meeting support, please contact David Gay or Richard Tanabe.