NADP Spring Meeting: May 12 – 16, 2025

The Spring Meeting has been scheduled for May 12 – 16, 2025. This meeting is an opportunity for the Technical Subcommittees and Science Committees to work on issues related to NADP management, network operations, and driving the science forward.
The meeting has been changed to a VIRTUAL ONLY meeting.
There is no fee or commitment for registering. Please complete the registration form below for Zoom meeting links.
About the Meeting
The two standing Technical Subcommittees, the Quality Assurance Advisory Group, the Data Management Advisory Group, the Science Committees, and any ad hoc groups meet during this period to work on issues related to NADP management and operations. Through involvement in a subcommittee, committee or group, a member gains voting rights within that group on issues of importance to the NADP. Decisions are determined by majority vote within each group. Each subcommittee and group operates independently, although issues that are relevant to the mission of more than one committee or group may be discussed and voted on in joint session. Motions passed in joint session are considered to have the same standing as motions passed separately by the individual subcommittees. Motions passed by the individual subcommittees and in joint sessions are brought to the EC for final approval
Agendas will be posted as they become available
Week at a glance
Business Meetings
The two standing Technical Subcommittees (Network Operations Subcommittee and Education and Outreach Subcommittee), the Quality Assurance Advisory Group, the Data Management Advisory Group, Science Committees, and any ad hoc groups meet during this period to work on issues related to NADP management and operations.
The Science Committees are focused on key areas of atmospheric deposition, scientific interest and/or applications, and are made up of NADP members who collaborate between meetings to apply NADP data to real-world problems.
Whether you are new to NADP or a long-time member, if there is a topic that interests you, please join us in helping us move air quality science forward.
The virtual meeting agenda will be posted shortly.
For questions regarding the Technical Subcommittee and Science Committee Meetings, please contact Winston Luke, Chair, NADP Network Operations Subcommittee.
For other inquiries, please contact David Gay or Richard Tanabe.