NADP Spring Meeting: May 1-5, 2023
The Spring Meeting has been scheduled for May 1-5, 2023. There is no fee for the Spring Meeting. The meeting is being planned as an in-person meeting. The meeting will be held at the Pyle Center on the University of Wisconsin – Madison campus. Further information will be posted here when it becomes available.
Week at a glance
About the Meeting
The two standing Technical Subcommittees, the Quality Assurance Advisory Group, the Data Management Advisory Group, the Science Committees, and any ad hoc groups meet during this period to work on issues related to NADP management and operations. Through involvement in a subcommittee, committee or group, a member gains voting rights within that group on issues of importance to the NADP. Decisions are determined by majority vote within each group. Each subcommittee and group operates independently, although issues that are relevant to the mission of more than one committee or group may be discussed and voted on in joint session. Motions passed in joint session are considered to have the same standing as motions passed separately by the individual subcommittees. Motions passed by the individual subcommittees and in joint sessions are brought to the EC for final approval
Hotel Information
Hilton Garden Inn Madison Downtown
770 Regent St.
Madison, WI 53703
Tel. +1-608-251-9588
Fluno Center
601 University Ave.
Madison, WI 53715
Tel. +1-877-773-5866
Attending In-Person
Room Number:
Mon May 1: CLAD/TDep – 335
Tue May 2: MELD/AMSC – 335
CLAD WG – 235
Wed May 3: Joint/NOS – 313
Thu May 4: NOS/EOS/Joint – 313
Fri May 5: Exec – 335
Outside food and beverage: Our contract with the Pyle Center does not permit outside food and beverage to be brought into the conference center by the hosting organization or event attendees.
Instructions to register for Wi-fi access
Connect to SSID: UWNet
Enter your name and email. A page will open with your username and password, make note of these, as you can connect up to 5 devices.
COVID-19 Statement
The health and safety of NADP attendees is our top priority. We will work with the venue to host the safest meeting possible. We will comply with university, city, state and federal guidance regarding gatherings and masking, and will expect all attendees to do so as well. We will update this page as we receive updates.
Dragonfly Hg Field Sampling – UW Arboretum
A field trip to the UW-Madison Arboretum will be offered on Tuesday (May 2, 2023) afternoon, as an opportunity for participants to collect dragonfly larvae for mercury analysis. The Arboretum is home to 1 of over 500 sites across the US participating in the Dragonfly Mercury Project. More information on this effort and what we’ll be doing at the Arboretum can be found by watching the short video below. Field trip specifics will be provided in early April. Participation will be limited.
Bon fire at Picnic Point
Weather permitting, NADP is planning a bonfire at Picnic Point, part of the UW Lakeshore Nature Preserve. NADP has reserved Fire Circle #6 on Tuesday May 2, 2023 from 6:00-10:00 PM. There is no vehicle access to the fire circle. The distance from the entrance to Picnic Point to fire circle #6 is approximately 0.75 miles (1.2 km); it’s about a 15 minute walk. The main Picnic Point path is wheelchair accessible.
How to get there:
NADP will be providing transportation to the Picnic Point entrance.
Poster Session
The 2023 NADP Spring Poster session has been cancelled.
For questions regarding the Technical Subcommittee and Science Committee Meetings, please contact Tim Sharac, Chair, NADP Network Operations Subcommittee,
For other inquiries, please contact David Gay, NADP Coordinator.
For meeting support, please contact David Gay or Richard Tanabe.