Site AMoN MD06

The Build a Report (data download) feature from individual sites has been experiencing issues depending on the parameters chosen. It is recommended users use the data export widget on the network page.

Build a Report

Caution: This option may include data which the NADP has determined to be invalid. Concentrations and depositions for invalid samples are shown. This file includes samples which are grossly contaminated, there was a serious breach of protocol in the collection and analysis of this sample, or both. These samples can be identified by the qrCode field, which will have a value of "C".

Caution: This option may include data that does not meet NADP's minimum criteria for data completeness:

  1. At least 75% of time period is represented by valid samples
  2. Precipitation amount is known for at least 90% of the period
  3. At least 75% of the total measured precipitation is represented by valid samples

Unable to generate trend plots

What to Plot



