de Vries, Wim; Du, Enzai; | 2024 | Chapter 1 - Nitrogen deposition and its impacts on forest ecosystems: A global perspective | Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Global Forests | 13-Jan | |
Gilliam, Frank S; Burns, Douglas A; Driscoll, Charles T; Frey, Serita D; Lovett, Gary M; Watmough, Shaun A; | 2024 | Responses of forest ecosystems to decreasing nitrogen deposition in eastern North America | Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Global Forests | 205-225 | |
González?Olalla, Juan Manuel; Powell, James A; Brahney, Janice; | 2024 | Dust storms increase the tolerance of phytoplankton to thermal and pH changes | Global Change Biology | 30(1):e17055 | |
Ryan, Kevin A; Lawrence, Gregory B; | 2024 | Recent, widespread nitrate decreases may be linked to persistent dissolved organic carbon increases in headwater streams recovering from past acidic deposition | Science of The Total Environment | 906:167646 | |
Schwede, Donna B; Simpson, David; Dentener, Frank; Du, Enzai; de Vries, Wim; | 2024 | Modeling nitrogen deposition in global forests | Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Global Forests | 39-55 | |
Terry, Bryan; Shakya, Kabindra M; | 2024 | Monitoring gaseous pollutants using passive sampling in the Philadelphia region | Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association | 74(1):52-69 | |
Xu, Zhongjun; Shu, Xi; Cao, Yutao; Xiao, Yao; Qiao, Xue; Tang, Ya; Gao, Xianjun; You, Xiang; | 2024 | Wet deposition of sulfur and nitrogen in the Jiuzhaigou World Heritage Site, China: Spatial variations, 2010–2022 trends, and implications for karst ecosystem conservation | Atmospheric Research | 297:107087 | |
Aas, Wenche; Soares, Joana; Hamer, Paul David; Schneider, Philipp; Svendby, Tove Marit; Guerreiro, Cristina; | 2023 | Review of methods that can be used in the assessment of atmospheric deposition | NILU rapport | | |
Akana, Palani R; Mifsud, Isobel EJ; Menge, Duncan NL; | 2023 | Soil nitrogen availability in a temperate forest exhibits large variability at sub-tree spatial scales | Biogeochemistry | 164:537–553 | |
Akter, Sharmin; Lamancusa, Carmen; Naranjo-Soledad, Andrea; Rumsey, Sarah; Chen, Xuanwen; Wagstrom, Kristina; | 2023 | Regional evaluation and estimates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition for United States hydrologic units and ecoregions | Atmospheric Environment | 315:120149 | |
Allen, Natalie R; | 2023 | Improvements to the Measurement of Atmospheric Reactive Mercury, and Contributions to the Investigation of Reactive Mercury at Six Sampling Sites | | | |
Andrews, Holly M; Krichels, Alexander H; Homyak, Peter M; Piper, Stephanie; Aronson, Emma L; Botthoff, Jon; Greene, Aral C; Jenerette, G Darrel; | 2023 | Wetting-induced soil CO2 emission pulses are driven by interactions among soil temperature, carbon, and nitrogen limitation in the Colorado Desert | Global Change Biology | 29(11):3205-3220 | |
Aron, PG; Li, S; Brooks, JR; Welker, JM; Levin, NE; | 2023 | Seasonal variations in triple oxygen isotope ratios of precipitation in the western and central United States | Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology | 38(4):e2022PA004458 | |
Baron, Jill S; Weinmann, Tim; Acharya, Varun Kirk; Charlton, Caitlin; Nydick, Koren R; Esser, Scott; | 2023 | Marmots do not drink coffee: Human urine contributions to the nitrogen budget of a popular national park destination | Ecosphere | 14(4):e4504 | |
Bartz, Krista K; Hannam, Michael P; Wilson, Tammy L; Lepak, Ryan F; Ogorek, Jacob M; Young, Daniel B; Eagles-Smith, Collin A; Krabbenhoft, David P; | 2023 | Understanding drivers of mercury in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), a top-predator fish in southwest Alaska's parklands | Environmental Pollution | 330:121678 | |
Basant, Shishir; Wilcox, Bradford P; Parada, Chelsea; Wyatt, Briana M; Newman, Brent D; | 2023 | Thicketized oak woodlands reduce groundwater recharge | Science of The Total Environment | 862:160811 | |
Beachley, Gregory M; Fenn, Mark E; Du, Enzai; de Vries, Wim; Bauters, Marijn; Bell, Michael D; Kulshrestha, Umesh C; Schmitz, Andreas; Walker, John T; | 2023 | Monitoring nitrogen deposition in global forests | Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Global Forests | 17-38 | |
Bediako, Bernice; Sauder, Deborah G; | 2023 | First Measurement of Ambient Air Quality on the Rural Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland | Agronomy | 13(7):1952 | |
Bhatt, Gopal; Linker, Lewis; Shenk, Gary; Bertani, Isabella; Tian, Richard; Rigelman, Jessica; Hinson, Kyle; Claggett, Peter; | 2023 | Water quality impacts of climate change, land use, and population growth in the Chesapeake Bay watershed | JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association | 59(6): | |
Bidwell, Amanda L; Tobin, Patrick C; DeLuca, Thomas H; | 2023 | Nitrogen-fixation in Acer macrophyllum canopy bryophytes in the Pacific Northwest, USA | Plant and Soil | 490:387-399 | |
Bouskill, Nick; Newcomer, Michelle E; Carroll, Rosemary WH; Beutler, Curtis A; Bill, Markus; Brown, Wendy S; Conrad, Mark E; Dong, Wenming; Falco, Nicola; Maavara, Taylor; | 2023 | A tale of two catchments: Causality analysis and isotope systematics reveal mountainous watershed traits that regulate the retention and release of nitrogen | Authorea Preprints | | |
Bressler, Alison; Blesh, Jennifer; | 2023 | A grass–legume cover crop maintains nitrogen inputs and nitrous oxide fluxes from an organic agroecosystem | Ecosphere | 14(2):e4428 | |
Burns, Alyssa M; Chandler, Gabriel; Dunham, Kira J; Carlton, Annmarie G; | 2023 | Data Gap: Air Quality Networks Miss Air Pollution from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations | Environmental Science & Technology | 57(49):20718-20725 | |
Byers, Todd A; Manuel, Jack E; Ponette-Gonzalez, Alexandra G; Gill, Thomas E; Glass, Gary A; | 2023 | Analysis of rain-deposited dust on polysulfone membranes using proton-induced X-ray emission spectroscopy | Microchemical Journal | 192:108928 | |
Cao, Peiyu; Lu, Chaoqun; Crumpton, William; Helmers, Matthew; Green, David; Stenback, Greg; | 2023 | Improving model capability in simulating spatiotemporal variations and flow contributions of nitrate export in tile-drained catchments | Water Research | 244:120489 | |
Castiblanco, Emma S; Groffman, Peter M; Duncan, Jonathan; Band, Lawrence E; Doheny, Edward; Fisher, Gary T; Rosi, Emma; Suchy, Amanda K; | 2023 | Long-term trends in nitrate and chloride in streams in an exurban watershed | Urban Ecosystems | 26:831-844 | |
Chamberlin, Catherine; ten Brink, Marilyn; Munson, Kate; Le, Alyssa; Detenbeck, Naomi; | 2023 | River Basin Export Reduction Optimization Support Tool; a tool to screen options for reducing nutrient loads while minimizing cost | JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association | 59(1):178-196 | |
Chang, Chung-Te; Yang, Ci-Jian; Huang, Jr-Chuan; | 2023 | Wet depositions of cations in forests across NADP, EMEP, and EANET monitoring networks over the last two decades | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 30(10):26791-26806 | |
Christiansen, Amy; Mickley, Loretta J; Hu, Lu; | 2023 | Constraining Long-Term NO x Emissions over the United States and Europe using Nitrate Wet Deposition Monitoring Networks | EGUsphere | 2023:13516 | |
Clark, Christopher M; Phelan, Jennifer; Ash, Jeremy; Buckley, John; Cajka, James; Horn, Kevin; Thomas, R Quinn; Sabo, Robert D; | 2023 | Future climate change effects on US forest composition may offset benefits of reduced atmospheric deposition of N and S | Global Change Biology | 29(17):4793-4810 | |
Clark, Christopher M; Thomas, R Quinn; Horn, Kevin J; | 2023 | Above-ground tree carbon storage in response to nitrogen deposition in the US is heterogeneous and may have weakened | Communications Earth & Environment | 4(1):35 | |
Clay, Natalie A; Herrmann, Maggie C; Evans-White, Michelle A; Entrekin, Sally A; West, Colton; | 2023 | Sodium as a subsidy in the spring: evidence for a phenology of sodium limitation | Oecologia | 201(3):783-795 | |
Colussi, Alessia A; Persaud, Daniel; Lao, Melodie; Place, Bryan K; Hems, Rachel F; Ziegler, Susan E; Edwards, Kate A; Young, Cora J; VandenBoer, Trevor C; | 2023 | Cost Effective Off-Grid Automatic Precipitation Samplers for Pollutant and Biogeochemical Atmospheric Deposition | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions | 2023:17899 | |
Commander, Okiemute; | 2023 | Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Chloride Concentration in an Agricultural Tile-Drained Area in Central Illinois | | | |
Conrad-Rooney, Emma; Gewirtzman, Jonathan; Pappas, Yanni; Pasquarella, Valerie J; Hutyra, Lucy R; Templer, Pamela H; | 2023 | Atmospheric wet deposition in urban and suburban sites across the United States | Atmospheric Environment | 305:119783 | |
Corona, Claudia Rebecca; | 2023 | Impact of Extreme Precipitation Events on the Water Table and Groundwater Recharge | | | |
Coughlin, Justin G; Clark, Christopher M; Pardo, Linda H; Sabo, Robert D; Ash, Jeremy D; | 2023 | Sensitive tree species remain at risk despite improved air quality benefits to US forests | Nature Sustainability | 6:1607-1619 | |
Cravotta III, Charles A; Tasker, Travis L; Smyntek, Peter M; Blomquist, Joel D; Clune, John W; Zhang, Qian; Schmadel, Noah M; Schmer, Natalie K; | 2023 | Legacy sediment as a potential source of orthophosphate: Preliminary conceptual and geochemical models for the Susquehanna River, Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA | Science of The Total Environment | 912:169361 | |
Czarnecki, JI; Levia, DF; Scudlark, JR; Ouyang, T; Wozniak, AS; | 2023 | Regional Sources and Seasonal Variability of Rainwater Dissolved Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen at a Mid?Atlantic, USA Coastal Site | Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences | 128(2):e2022JG007056 | |
Dalton, Rebecca M; Underwood, Nora C; Inouye, David W; Soulé, Michael E; Inouye, Brian D; | 2023 | Long-term declines in insect abundance and biomass in a subalpine habitat | Ecosphere | 14(8):e4620 | |
Dangol, Sijal; Zhang, Xuesong; Liang, Xin-Zhong; Blanc-Betes, Elena; | 2023 | Advancing the SWAT model to simulate perennial bioenergy crops: A case study on switchgrass growth | Environmental Modelling & Software | 170:105834 | |
Dawson-Glass, E., Hewins, C.R., Burke, D.J. and Stuble, K.L., | 2023 | Experimental increases in pH and P availability exert long-term impacts on decomposition in forests | Applied Soil Ecology | 181: 104654 | |
Dawson-Glass, Emma; Hewins, Charlotte R; Burke, David J; Stuble, Katharine L; | 2023 | Experimental increases in pH and P availability exert long-term impacts on decomposition in forests | Applied Soil Ecology | 181:104654 | |
Delgado, Jorge A; Halvorson, Ardell D; D’Adamo, Robert; Stewart, Catherine E; Floyd, Bradley; Del Grosso, Steve; | 2023 | Long-term nitrogen balance of an irrigated no-till soil-corn system | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems | 126:229-243 | |
Dickens, Angela; | 2023 | Mercury Deposition in the Great Lakes Region | LADCO | | |
Dugan, Hilary A; Rock, Linnea A; | 2023 | The slow and steady salinization of Sparkling Lake, Wisconsin | Limnology and Oceanography Letters | 8(1):74-82 | |
Dugan, Hilary A; Rock, Linnea A; Kendall, Anthony D; Mooney, Robert J; | 2023 | Tributary chloride loading into Lake Michigan | Limnology and Oceanography Letters | 8(1):83-92 | |
Dunham-Cheatham, S.M., Lyman, S. and Gustin, M.S., | 2023 | Comparison and calibration of methods for ambient reactive mercury quantification | Science of The Total Environment | 856: 159219 | |
Dunham-Cheatham, Sarrah M; Lyman, Seth; Gustin, Mae Sexauer; | 2023 | Comparison and calibration of methods for ambient reactive mercury quantification | Science of The Total Environment | 856:159219 | |
Dutta, Ishir; Heald, Colette L; | 2023 | Exploring deposition observations of oxidized sulfur and nitrogen as a constraint on emissions in the United States | Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres | 128(22):e2023JD039610 | |
Echeverría, Rodolfo Sosa; Jiménez, Ana Luisa Alarcón; Barrera, María del Carmen Torres; Alvarez, Pablo Sánchez; Hernandez, Elías Granados; Vega, Elizabeth; Palomera, Mónica Jaimes; Retama, Armando; Gay, David A; | 2023 | Nitrogen and sulfur compounds in ambient air and in wet atmospheric deposition at Mexico city metropolitan area | Atmospheric Environment | 292:119411 | |
Eimers, M Catherine; Paterson, Michael J; Watmough, Shaun A; Williams, Andrew J; Greenwood, Wesley J; | 2023 | Phosphorus and nitrogen deposition within a large transboundary watershed: Implications for nutrient stoichiometry and lake vs watershed budgets | Journal of Great Lakes Research | 49(1):44-52 | |
Felix, J David; Berner, Alexander; Wetherbee, Gregory A; Murphy, Sheila F; Heindel, Ruth C; | 2023 | Nitrogen isotopes indicate vehicle emissions and biomass burning dominate ambient ammonia across Colorado's Front Range urban corridor | Environmental Pollution | 316:120537 | |
Felix, J.D., Berner, A., Wetherbee, G.A., Murphy, S.F. and Heindel, R.C. | 2023 | Nitrogen isotopes indicate vehicle emissions and biomass burning dominate ambient ammonia across Colorado's Front Range urban corridor | Environmental Pollution | 316: 120537 | |
Feng, Jian; Cole, Amanda; Wetherbee, Gregory A; Banwait, Kulbir; | 2023 | Inter-comparison of measurements of inorganic chemical components in precipitation from NADP and CAPMoN at collocated sites in the USA and Canada during 1986–2019 | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 195(11):1333 | |
Fonseca-Salazar, Ma Alejandra; Sosa-Echeverría, Rodolfo; Alarcón-Jiménez, Ana Luisa; Sánchez-Álvarez, Pablo; | 2023 | Chemical Composition of Wet Atmospheric Deposition in a Natural Urban Reserve, Conservation of Green Urban Areas: a Mexico City Case Study | Water, Air, & Soil Pollution | 234(8):514 | |
Garces, Kylea R; Bell-Dereske, Lukas; Rudgers, Jennifer A; Emery, Sarah M; | 2023 | Nitrogen addition and fungal symbiosis alter early dune plant succession | Oecologia | 201(4):1067-1077 | |
Garces, Kylea Rose; | 2023 | Understanding the impacts of global change: from students to microbes. | | | |
Gardner, Christopher B; Wichterich, Connor; Calero, Adolfo E; Welch, Susan A; Widom, Elisabeth; Smith, Devin F; Carey, Anne E; Lyons, W Berry; | 2023 | Carbonate weathering, phosphate fertilizer, and hydrologic controls on dissolved uranium in rivers in the US Corn Belt: Disentangling seasonal geogenic-and fertilizer-derived sources | Science of the Total Environment | 861:160455 | |
Garvey, Sarah M; Templer, Pamela H; Bhatnagar, Jennifer M; Hutyra, Lucy R; | 2023 | Soils at the temperate forest edge: An investigation of soil characteristics and carbon dynamics | Science of The Total Environment | 891:164320 | |
Gieschen, Michael; Nelson, Peter; | 2023 | Untangling the effects of seasonality and stream channel erosion on the runoff composition in a previously burned mountain catchment | Hydrological Processes | 37(9):e14968 | |
Gingerich, Stephen B; Wise, Daniel R; Stonewall, Adam J; | 2023 | Assessing the effects of chloride deicer applications on groundwater near the Siskiyou Pass, southwestern Oregon, July 2018–February 2021 | | | |
Gordon, Eric Benjamin; | 2023 | Supplemental Fertilization Strategies for High-Yielding Soybeans in North Carolina | | | |
Graham, Andrew M; Van Helten, Seth; Wadle, Austin; Mamrak, Emily; Morsch, Jacob; Lopez, Samuel; Smith, Katherine; | 2023 | Mercury transport and methylmercury production in the lower Cedar River (Iowa) floodplain | Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry | 4:1242813 | |
Grider, Ansley; Ponette-González, Alexandra; Heindel, Ruth; | 2023 | Calcium and ammonium now control the pH of wet and bulk deposition in Ohio, US | Atmospheric Environment | 310:119986 | |
Guo, Yixin; Tan, Haiyue; Zhang, Lin; Liu, Gang; Zhou, Mi; Vira, Julius; Hess, Peter G; Liu, Xueying; Paulot, Fabien; Liu, Xuejun; | 2023 | Global food loss and waste embodies unrecognized harms to air quality and biodiversity hotspots | Nature Food | 4(8):686-698 | |
Gustavus, Macy; | 2023 | From Mountain Streams to Urban Rivers: An Assessment of Microplastic Sources and Characteristics | | | |
Gustin, Mae Sexauer; Dunham-Cheatham, Sarrah M; Allen, Natalie; Choma, Nicole; Johnson, William; Lopez, Sam; Russell, Armistead; Mei, Eric; Magand, Olivier; Dommergue, Aurélien; | 2023 | Observations of the chemistry and concentrations of reactive Hg at locations with different ambient air chemistry | Science of The Total Environment | 904:166184 | |
Gustin, Mae Sexauer; Dunham-Cheatham, Sarrah M; Choma, Nicole; Shoemaker, Kevin T; Allen, Natalie; | 2023 | Determining sources of reactive mercury compounds in Reno, Nevada, United States | Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry | 4:1202957 | |
Gustin, Mae Sexauer; Dunham-Cheatham, Sarrah M; Osterwalder, Stefan; Magand, Olivier; Dommergue, Aurélien; | 2023 | What is the utility of measuring gaseous HgII dry deposition using Aerohead samplers?: A review | Science of The Total Environment | 907:167895 | |
Haas, Henrique; Kalin, Latif; Baltaci, Enis; | 2023 | How wide is the problem? Leveraging alternative data sources to enhance channel width representation in watershed modeling | Environmental Modelling & Software | 172:105935 | |
Hamerlynck, Erik P; O’Connor, Rory C; Copeland, Stella M; | 2023 | Reproductive compensatory photosynthesis in a semi-arid rangeland bunchgrass | Oecologia | 201(3):625-635 | |
Hand, Jenny L; Prenni, Anthony J; Schichtel, Bret A; | 2023 | Trends in seasonal mean speciated aerosol composition in remote areas of the United States from 2000 through 2021 | Authorea Preprints | | |
Hicks Pries, Caitlin E; Lankau, Richard; Ingham, Grace Anne; Legge, Eva; Krol, Owen; Forrester, Jodi; Fitch, Amelia; Wurzburger, Nina; | 2023 | Differences in soil organic matter between EcM?and AM?dominated forests depend on tree and fungal identity | Ecology | 104(3):e3929 | |
Hogrefe, Christian; Bash, Jesse O; Pleim, Jonathan E; Schwede, Donna B; Gilliam, Robert C; Foley, Kristen M; Appel, K Wyat; Mathur, Rohit; | 2023 | An analysis of CMAQ gas-phase dry deposition over North America through grid-scale and land-use-specific diagnostics in the context of AQMEII4 | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | 23(14):8119-8147 | |
Hogsett, Dr Theron Miller; Paerl, Hans; | 2023 | Utah Lake Water Quality Study Atmospheric Deposition Decision Support Document | | | |
Holguin, Jennifer; | 2023 | The Ecological Effects of Nitrogen Enrichment in Aridlands | | | |
Hu, Xindi C; Dai, Mona; Sun, Jennifer M; Sunderland, Elsie M; | 2023 | The Utility of Machine Learning Models for Predicting Chemical Contaminants in Drinking Water: Promise, Challenges, and Opportunities | Current Environmental Health Reports | 10(1):45-60 | |
Huntington, Thomas G; | 2023 | Assessment of prerestoration water quality in the Herring River to support adaptive management at the Cape Cod National Seashore | | | |
Jenckes, Jordan R; | 2023 | Variability of Hydrogeochemistry and Chemical Weathering Regimes in High Latitude Glacierized Coastal Catchments | | | |
Joyce, Emily; Balint, Sawyer; Walters, Wendell; Lichiheb, Nebila; Heuer, Mark; Myles, LaToya; Heikes, Brian; Hastings, Meredith; | 2023 | Discerning the Concentration and Bi?Directional Flux of Ammonia in an Urban Estuary Using the Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Method | Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences | 128(8):e2023JG007414 | |
Jung, Hoonshin; Nuttle, William; Baustian, Melissa M; Carruthers, Tim; | 2023 | Influence of Increased Freshwater Inflow on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Budgets in a Dynamic Subtropical Estuary, Barataria Basin, Louisiana | Water | 15(11):1974 | |
Karki, Ritesh; Qi, Junyu; Gonzalez-Benecke, Carlos A; Zhang, Xuesong; Martin, Timothy A; Arnold, JG; | 2023 | SWAT-3PG: Improving forest growth simulation with a process-based forest model in SWAT | Environmental Modelling & Software | 164:105705 | |
Kasanke, Christopher P; Zhao, Qian; Alfaro, Trinidad; Walter, Christopher A; Hobbie, Sarah E; Cheeke, Tanya E; Hofmockel, Kirsten S; | 2023 | Grassland ecosystem type drives AM fungal diversity and functional guild distribution in North American grasslands | Molecular ecology | 32(5):1133-1148 | |
Kaspari, Michael;Welti, Ellen A R; | 2023 | Electrolytes on the prairie: How urine?like additions of Na and K shape the dynamics of a grassland food web | Ecology | 104(1):e3856 | |
Kaushal, Sujay S; Likens, Gene E; Mayer, Paul M; Shatkay, Ruth R; Shelton, Sydney A; Grant, Stanley B; Utz, Ryan M; Yaculak, Alexis M; Maas, Carly M; Reimer, Jenna E; | 2023 | The anthropogenic salt cycle | Nature Reviews Earth & Environment | 4:770-784 | |
Killian, Courtney D; Knierim, Katherine J; | 2023 | Machine-learning predictions of groundwater specific conductance in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain, south-central United States, with evaluation of regional geophysical aerial electromagnetic data as explanatory variables | | | |
Kozar, Daniel; Dong, Xiaoli; Li, Li; | 2023 | The recovery of river chemistry from acid rain in the Mississippi River basin amid intensifying anthropogenic activities and climate change | Science of the Total Environment | 897:165311 | |
Krichels, Alexander H; Homyak, Peter M; Aronson, Emma L; Sickman, James O; Botthoff, Jon; Greene, Aral C; Andrews, Holly M; Shulman, Hannah; Piper, Stephanie; Jenerette, G Darrel; | 2023 | Soil NH3 emissions across an aridity, soil pH, and N deposition gradient in southern California | Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene | 11(1):00123 | |
Krichels, Alexander H; Jenerette, G Darrel; Shulman, Hannah; Piper, Stephanie; Greene, Aral C; Andrews, Holly M; Botthoff, Jon; Sickman, James O; Aronson, Emma L; Homyak, Peter M; | 2023 | Bacterial denitrification drives elevated N2O emissions in arid southern California drylands | Science Advances | 9(49):eadj1989 | |
Lapierre, Jean?Francois; Webster, Katherine E; Hanks, Ephraim M; Wagner, Tyler; Soranno, Patricia A; McCullough, Ian M; Reinl, Kaitlin L; Domka, Marcella; Lotting, Noah R; | 2023 | A continuous classification of the 476,697 lakes of the conterminous US based on geographic archetypes | Limnology and Oceanography | 68(12):2759-2773 | |
Lassiter, Meredith G; Lin, Jiajia; Compton, Jana E; Phelan, Jennifer; Sabo, Robert D; Stoddard, John L; McDow, Stephen R; Greaver, Tara L; | 2023 | Shifts in the composition of nitrogen deposition in the conterminous United States are discernable in stream chemistry | Science of The Total Environment | 881:163409 | |
Lawrence, Christopher E; Casson, Paul; Brandt, Richard; Schwab, James J; Dukett, James E; Snyder, Phil; Yerger, Elizabeth; Kelting, Daniel; VandenBoer, Trevor C; Lance, Sara; | 2023 | Long-term monitoring of cloud water chemistry at Whiteface Mountain: the emergence of a new chemical regime | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | 23(2):1619-1639 | |
Lee, Michelle V; Oakes, Joseph C; Reiter, Mark S; Thomason, Wade E; | 2023 | The Evaluation of Winter Wheat Response to Nutrient Sources of Sulfur and Application Timing | | | |
Lewis, Amy C; Cadol, Daniel; | 2023 | Estimating Evapotranspiration Using Chloride Mass Balance in a New Mexico Paired Basin Study 2009-2019 | Journal of Water Resource and Protection | 15(4):115-129 | |
Leytem, April B; Walker, John T; Wu, Zhiyong; Nouwakpo, Kossi; Baublitz, Colleen; Bash, Jesse; Beachley, Gregory; | 2023 | Spatial Distribution of Ammonia Concentrations and Modeled Dry Deposition in an Intensive Dairy Production Region | Atmosphere | 15(1):15 | |
Li, Shiyi; Fisk, Melany C; Yanai, Ruth D; Fahey, Timothy J; | 2023 | Co-limitation of Fine Root Growth by Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Early Successional Northern Hardwood Forests | Ecosystems | | |
Linker, Lewis C; Shenk, Gary W; Bhatt, Gopal; Tian, Richard; Cerco, Carl F; Bertani, Isabella; | 2023 | Simulating climate change in a coastal watershed with an integrated suite of airshed, watershed, and estuary models | JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association | | |
Liu, Jin; Yan, Tiezhu; Bai, Jianwen; Shen, Zhenyao; | 2023 | Integrating source apportionment and landscape patterns to capture nutrient variability across a typical urbanized watershed | Journal of Environmental Management | 325:116559 | |
Liu, Lei; Xu, Wen; Wen, Zhang; Liu, Pu; Xu, Hang; Liu, Sheng; Lu, Xiankai; Zhong, Buqing; Guo, Yixin; Lu, Xiao; | 2023 | Modeling global oceanic nitrogen deposition from food systems and its mitigation potential by reducing overuse of fertilizers | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 120(17):e2221459120 | |
Lu, Zhengyang; | 2023 | Effects of the nitrogen deposition on the forest ecosystems: an overview | | | |
Luo, Gan; Yu, Fangqun; | 2023 | Impact of air refreshing and cloud ice uptake limitations on vertical profiles and wet depositions of nitrate, ammonium, and sulfate | Geophysical Research Letters | 50(18):e2023GL104258 | |
Lusk, Mary G; Garzon, Paula Sanchez; Muni-Morgan, Amanda; | 2023 | Nitrogen forms and dissolved organic matter optical properties in bulk rainfall, canopy throughfall, and stormwater in a subtropical urban catchment | Science of The Total Environment | 896:165243 | |
Lynn, Joshua S; Abo?Sido, Nisreen; McCowen, Ian W; Villanueva, Shermila B; Harte, John; Rudgers, Jennifer A; | 2023 | Herbivory damage but not plant disease under experimental warming is dependent on weather for three subalpine grass species | Journal of Ecology | 111(3):617-630 | |
Magand, Olivier; Angot, Hélène; Bertrand, Yann; Sonke, Jeroen E; Laffont, Laure; Duperray, Solène; Collignon, Léa; Boulanger, Damien; Dommergue, Aurélien; | 2023 | Over a decade of atmospheric mercury monitoring at Amsterdam Island in the French Southern and Antarctic Lands | Scientific Data | 10(1):836 | |
Malcolm, Elizabeth G; Coleman, Sherie E; Smith, Erin M; Cooke, Matthew E; Jeff, Hannah Rice; Ellick, Rachel M; Volker, Kristen M; | 2023 | The potential use of skin and liver as biomarkers to estimate mercury in the brain, kidney, and muscle of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) | Marine Pollution Bulletin | 191:114903 | |
Marlow, Samuel A; Frank, John M; Burkhart, Matthew; Borkhuu, Bujidmaa; Fuller, Shelby E; Snider, Jefferson R; | 2023 | Snowfall Measurements at Wind-exposed and Sheltered Sites in the Rocky Mountains of Southeastern Wyoming | Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology | | |
McCurdy, Gavin P; | 2023 | Evaluation of Land-Atmosphere Nitrogen Cycling in CLASSIC at the Single-Site Level | | | |
McDonnell, Todd C; Phelan, Jennifer; Talhelm, Alan F; Cosby, Bernard J; Driscoll, Charles T; Sullivan, Timothy J; Greaver, Tara; | 2023 | Protection of forest ecosystems in the eastern United States from elevated atmospheric deposition of sulfur and nitrogen: A comparison of steady-state and dynamic model results | Environmental Pollution | 318:120887 | |
Meingast, Karl M; Kane, Evan S; Marcarelli, Amy M; Wagenbrenner, Joseph W; Beltrone, Vincent G; | 2023 | Seasonal trends of DOM character in soils and stream change with snowmelt timing | Water Resources Research | 59(3):e2022WR032014 | |
Miller, Hannah R; Driscoll, Charles T; Hinckley, Eve-Lyn S; | 2023 | Mercury cycling in the US Rocky Mountains: a review of past research and future priorities | Biogeochemistry | | |
Mosher, Michael; Kelter, Paul; | 2023 | Acids and Bases | An Introduction to Chemistry | 693-742 | |
Murray, Desneiges; Neilson, Bethany T; Brahney, Janice; | 2023 | Beaver pond geomorphology influences pond nitrogen retention and denitrification | Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences | 128(4):e2022JG007199 | |
Nair, Arshad Arjunan; Yu, Fangqun; Luo, Gan; | 2023 | The importance of ammonia for springtime atmospheric new particle formation and aerosol number abundance over the United States | Science of the Total Environment | 863:160756 | |
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Nie, Xiaoling; Wu, Chen; Zhang, Houyong; Li, Yanbin; Li, Tao; Wang, Yan; | 2023 | Atmospheric wet deposition of mercury in urban Jinan, eastern China: Speciation, scavenging process and potential sources | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 251:114529 | |
Ogri?, Mateja; Dellinger, Mathieu; Grant, Katherine E; Galy, Valier; Gu, Xin; Brantley, Susan L; Hilton, Robert G; | 2023 | Low rates of rock organic carbon oxidation and anthropogenic cycling of rhenium in a slowly denuding landscape | Earth Surface Processes and Landforms | 48(6):1202-1218 | |
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Pavlovic, Nathan R; Chang, Shih Ying; Huang, Jiaoyan; Craig, Kenneth; Clark, Christopher; Horn, Kevin; Driscoll, Charles T; | 2023 | Empirical nitrogen and sulfur critical loads of US tree species and their uncertainties with machine learning | Science of The Total Environment | 857:159252 | |
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Qin, Ziqi; Guan, Kaiyu; Zhou, Wang; Peng, Bin; Tang, Jinyun; Jin, Zhenong; Grant, Robert; Hu, Tongxi; Villamil, María B; DeLucia, Evan; | 2023 | Assessing long-term impacts of cover crops on soil organic carbon in the central US Midwestern agroecosystems | Global change biology | 29(9):2572-2590 | |
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Reynolds, Keith M; Hessburg, Paul F; Lakicevic, Milena; Povak, Nicholas A; Salter, R Brion; Sullivan, Timothy J; McDonnell, Todd C; Cosby, Bernard J; Jackson, William; | 2023 | Assessing impacts of sulfur deposition on aquatic ecosystems: A decision support system for the Southern Appalachians | Ecosphere | 14(5):e4507 | |
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Saha, Arghajeet; Saha, Gourab K; Cibin, Raj; Spiegal, Sheri; Kleinman, Peter JA; Veith, Tamie L; White, Charles M; Drohan, Patrick J; Tsegaye, Teferi; | 2023 | Evaluating water quality benefits of manureshed management in the Susquehanna River Basin | | 52(2):328-340 | |
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