The next operator virtual training session is scheduled for Monday June 14, 2021. The topic will be “Is Your Site Impacting your Data?”.
Approximately every 4 years sites are surveyed by EEMS to assess siting criteria, equipment and operator performance. A number of issues at your site could be impacting the quality of your data. Are there trees too close to the collector, are there objects to close to your rain gage, are SOPs being followed by operators, is site maintenance being doing on a regular basis? All of these items can contribute to possible contamination of samples. We will present some examples of what to look for as well as introduce a new ‘Virtual site survey’ that operators can complete at their sites.
The format will be a brief presentation followed by a Q&A session. The Q&A is an opportunity for operators to engage with the PO, CAL and HAL staff and other operators, on the topic or any other aspect of NADP.