New Data Request Form

NADP is launching a new Data Request Form for requesting custom reports from NADP. Custom reports may involve chemistry or precipitation data not currently provided by the web pages, or specific site or agency data as requested by specific agencies. Using this form fulfills a couple needs to help us improve our data sharing.

  • It provides the requester a list of details needed to fulfill most requests. This reduces some follow up questions and allows us to start working on the request faster.
  • It provides NADP with a record of what type of requests, and the frequency of requests that are made. This can help determine which types of information are more useful to researchers. It can also direct efforts with future automation and automated report generation.

When making any type of data request, we ask that you use the Data Request form ( 

Filling out the form:
1. Fill out your name and email address so we can respond to your request.
2. Identify whether you are asking for precipitation data, chemistry data, or both.
3. Fill out the range of dates for the data you are requesting.
4. Specify what units and resolution you need.
5. Provide a summary or any special details for custom reports.