Ellis B. Cowling Student Travel Award

The NADP Scientific Symposium has consistently welcomed undergraduate and graduate students to present their research through oral or poster presentations. Students benefit from discounted registration and are eligible for awards recognizing the best student presentations. In 2024, the NADP Program Office, in collaboration with the Education and Outreach Subcommittee (EOS), introduced the Ellis B. Cowling Student Travel Award to help offset meeting attendance costs, including registration and lodging. Funded by the NADP Foundation, established at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2019, this award provides honoraria to support student travel to the National Atmospheric Deposition Program Fall Meetings and Scientific Symposia.
For more information on Dr. Ellis Cowling, visit: https://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/news/in-memoriam-ellis-b-cowling-1932-2021/.
This year’s recipients are:
- Allyson Girard Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi (Poster)
- Conner Guidry Texas A&M Corpus Christi (Poster)
- Chung-Yen Li National Central University, Taiwan (Session 7)
- Abril Lunar Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi (Poster)
- Amy Luo University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Session 4)
- Alissia Milani University of Wisconsin – Madison (Session 1)
- Lin Wu SUNY-ESF (Session 2)