NADP Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium
2024 Theme: Protecting the Health of Communities and Ecosystems in a Changing Climate
November 4-8, 2024
Duluth, MN, The Inn on Lake Superior

About the Meeting
The meeting is intended for scientists, resource managers, educators, students, policymakers, and others interested in atmospheric deposition, air quality, and its effects on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. NADP data has been used for decades to understand and solve real-world problems impacting people and the planet, including helping to facilitate cleaner water, healthier air quality, more productive fisheries, informed environmental planning, improved air quality and climate forecasting, and responsible environmental stewardship.
Conference Proceedings
In person: $275
Virtual: $135
Field Trip: $50
(If you need to pay for the Field Trip separately, there will be instructions during the registration process for doing so.)
Student In person: $50
Student Virtual: No cost
Hotel Information
The Inn on Lake Superior
350 Canal Park Drive
Duluth, MN 55802
Room rate: $130/night
Call and provide the booking ID#.
Tel. +1-218-726-1111
Booking ID#: 11200
Field Trip Information
Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center
Cost: $50
The Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center is an outdoor classroom established in 1971 located in Finland Minnesota. The Learning Center hosts a broad spectrum of year-round environmental and outdoor learning experiences. More than 10,000 overnight students attend classes, trainings, camps and family programs annually on their 2,000-acre campus.
The field trip will begin at the MN99 Wolf Ridge NTN site where participants learn about stream chemistry in Sawmill Creek and what it means to classify a stream as “healthy”. After learning about how the site is used in the Wolf Ridge curriculum there will be two options for participants to explore the campus.
- A hike up Marshall Mountain which will provide views of Lake Superior. Wolf Ridge is bordered by the Baptism River and features creeks, two lakes, and the Sawmill Valley.
- A tour of the campus with the Executive Director. The tour will include a stop at the Margaret A. Cargill Lodge, the first renovation project in the world to receive the Living Building Challenge certification. The campus also hosts classroom buildings, an organic working farm that supplies the cafeteria, and two outdoor ropes courses.
Lunch will be provided in the cafeteria on campus.
The bus will stop at the airport on the way back to the Inn on Lake Superior.
Itinerary (Tentative)
8:15 – Bus departs from the Inn on Lake Superior
9:15 – Arrive at Gooseberry Falls State Park
10:15 – Depart Gooseberry Falls
11:00 – Arrive at Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center, MN99 Wolf Ridge NTN site
– Option to either tour the campus or hike to Marshall Mountain
12:15 – Lunch provided at Wolf Ridge Cafeteria
13:15 – Depart Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center
15:00 – Arrive at Duluth Airport
15:30 – Arrive at The Inn on Lake Superior
For questions regarding the Technical & Science Committee Meetings, please contact Michael McHale, Chair, NADP Network Operations Subcommittee,
For questions about the 2024 Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium, please contact Melissa Puchalski, Vice-Chair NADP Executive Meeting,
For other inquiries, please contact David Gay, NADP Coordinator.
For meeting support, please contact David Gay or Richard Tanabe.