Terrestrial Condition Assessment

The Terrestrial Condition Assessment (TCA) is a landscape-scale assessment of ecological integrity across all National Forest System (NFS) lands.

  • The TCA uses the Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) model to evaluate 12 indicators of ecological integrity, including air pollution.
  • CLs are used for the Nitrogen Deposition metric associated with the Indicator: Air Pollution.
  • You can view the completed assessments for your sites by using the links and guidance below.

Which CLs are included?

  • Tree species growth and survival
  • Lichen community composition
  • Herbaceous species richness
  • Aquatic acidification
  • Mycorrhizal fungi
  • Nitrate leaching

What are the sources of CL data?

  • Trees
  • Lichens
  • Herbs
  • Aquatic, mycorrhizal fungi, and nitrate leaching

How is the scoring developed using CLs?

Table 1. List of indicators and associated metrics

Access the relevant websites and a step-by-step guide for using each website.

What is the Air Pollution Indicator for my Forest?

provides background information on the TCA and forest-level reports

View the Data (Public)

provides the underlying data input, the output results at the indicator level, and the TCA thresholds

View the Data (USFS Only)

provides which indicators are and metrics are driving ecological condition at the landscape level