The Atmospheric Mercury Network (AMNet) established this network of monitoring stations for the purpose of measuring atmospheric mercury fractions which contribute to dry and total mercury deposition. Sites will collect concentrations of atmospheric mercury species from automated, continuous measuring systems, concentrations of total mercury in precipitation, and meteorological measurements. Data will be collected with standardized methods, with quality assured data archived in an online data base.
AMNet has specific objectives:
- Measure atmospheric mercury concentrations of gaseous oxidized, particulate-bound, and elemental mercury in select locations
- Offer high-quality measurement data to estimate dry and total deposition of atmospheric mercury to other researchers
- Standardized operational methods so that instruments are being operated consistently
- Provide internal and external quality assurance
- Provide the data management capability and access
- Provide field support through an experienced site liaison
As with other networks, NADP welcomes the participation of other organizations and scientists. To truly understand the mercury problem, more monitoring information is needed.
Information on joining the network is available here.
Data Notices
Note of Sites Ending: There is an expectation that at the end of the federal year (Sept 30, 2024), two important AMNet sites will likely close: Mauna Loa (HI00) and Utqiagvik (AK95). These closings are due to high costs of keeping the sites operational within NOAA. If you are using these sites for your research, we are expecting this data to end soon. If you have concerns, please contact the Program Office.
Field Methods
Monitoring and analysis of elemental, gaseous oxidized and particulate Mercury fractions use a 2.5-micrometer impactor and KCl-coated annular denuder (for ionic mercury), thermally-desorbed particulate filter (for particulate-bound mercury), and gold traps (for elemental mercury). Analysis uses cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (CVAFS).