Call For Abstracts

Call for Abstracts” for the 2024 NADP Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium that will take place November 4-8, 2024 in Duluth, MN. 
The meeting theme is “Protecting the Health of Communities and Ecosystems in a Changing Climate”. Oral and poster presentations are invited on all aspects of deposition monitoring, networks, equipment, sampling and analytical methods, modeling, research linking data to ecological responses, and the application and use of data for education, land management, and policy. 
We have identified the following session topics to help guide your submission:
  • Protecting the Great Lakes and coastal ecosystems from air pollution
  • Measuring emerging and toxic pollutants
  • Characterizing cultural and environmental impacts of air pollution to tribal lands
  • Linking shifts in air quality, atmospheric deposition, and critical loads to climate-driven events
  • Health and environmental changes driven by shifts to cleaner energy
  • New tools to communicate air quality and atmospheric deposition results
  • Sustaining long-term monitoring programs

Call For Abstracts flyer