NADP Spring Meeting: April 29 – May 3, 2024

The Spring Meeting has been scheduled for April 29 – May 3, 2024. This meeting is an opportunity for the Technical Subcommittees and Science Committees to work on issues related to NADP management, network operations, and driving the science forward. The meeting will be held at the Pyle Center on the University of Wisconsin – Madison campus. This year there will be a Total Deposition (TDep) Measurement workshop on the first day.
About the Meeting
The two standing Technical Subcommittees, the Quality Assurance Advisory Group, the Data Management Advisory Group, the Science Committees, and any ad hoc groups meet during this period to work on issues related to NADP management and operations. Through involvement in a subcommittee, committee or group, a member gains voting rights within that group on issues of importance to the NADP. Decisions are determined by majority vote within each group. Each subcommittee and group operates independently, although issues that are relevant to the mission of more than one committee or group may be discussed and voted on in joint session. Motions passed in joint session are considered to have the same standing as motions passed separately by the individual subcommittees. Motions passed by the individual subcommittees and in joint sessions are brought to the EC for final approval
Agendas will be posted as they become available
Hotel Information
Madison Concourse Hotel and Govenor’s Club (Link)
1 W. Dayton St.
Madison, WI 53703
Tel. +1-800-356-8293
The reservation block deadline has passed.
Attending In-Person
Room Number:
Mon April 29: TDep Measurement Workshop – 325/326
Tue April 30: Joint/NOS – 325/326
Wed May 1: AMSC/MELD – 325/326
Thu May 2: NOS/EOS/Joint – 325/326
Fri May 3: Exec – 309
Instructions to register for Wi-fi access
Connect to SSID: UWNet
Enter your name and email. A page will open with your username and password, make note of these, as you can connect up to 5 devices.
COVID-19 Statement
The health and safety of NADP attendees is our top priority. We will work with the venue to host the safest meeting possible. We will comply with university, city, state and federal guidance regarding gatherings and masking, and will expect all attendees to do so as well. We will update this page as we receive updates.
Week at a glance
Business Meetings
The two standing Technical Subcommittees (Network Operations Subcommittee and Education and Outreach Subcommittee), the Quality Assurance Advisory Group, the Data Management Advisory Group, Science Committees, and any ad hoc groups meet during this period to work on issues related to NADP management and operations.
The Science Committees are focused on key areas of atmospheric deposition, scientific interest and/or applications, and are made up of NADP members who collaborate between meetings to apply NADP data to real-world problems.
Whether you are new to NADP or a long-time member, if there is a topic that interests you, please join us in helping us move air quality science forward.
- The time slots for NOS/MELD and CLAD WG have changed to new dates below.
- The TDep Science Committee pre-meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday April 24, 2024 (1:00-2:30 EDT). The Zoom link will be sent out with the TDep pre-meeting agenda.
Wednesday May 1, 2024 – AMSC/MELD/CLAD
Thursday May 2, 2024 – NOS/EOS/Joint
Friday May 3, 2024 – Exec
TDep Measurement Workshop – Monday April 29, 2024
The NADP TDep Science Committee is organizing a one-day workshop to bring researchers together with the deposition monitoring community to discuss reactive nitrogen and phosphorous measurements, share information on the state of the science, and determine how recent advances may be used to (1) fill monitoring gaps, (2) help routine networks evolve to address these monitoring gaps, and (3) improve total deposition estimates for critical loads assessments. For the agenda and additional details visit the TDep Measurement Workshop page.

Madison B Cycle

For those interested in using the electric bike share while in Madison for the spring meeting, here is some information for Madison B Cycle. You will need to download the app, create a profile, and then purchase a monthly pass (unlimited trips-max 60 minutes/trip). Use the code: NADP2024 for a $10 discount. The cost will be $23.76 + tax. Just doing a one-time 30 minute ride is $7.36 + tax, so if you plan to use it multiple times it’s best to purchase the monthly pass.
There are bike stations near the hotel and near the Pyle Center and Picnic Point. Check the station map on the website (
For questions regarding the Technical Subcommittee and Science Committee Meetings, please contact Mike McHale, Chair, NADP Network Operations Subcommittee,
For questions regarding the TDep Measurement Workshop, please contact Kristi Morris or Bret Schichtel
For other inquiries, please contact David Gay or Richard Tanabe.