On November 12, 2024, the NADP AMoN Data Export function changed from delivering dynamically coded data to statically coded data. This update also corrected some coding mistakes. If you downloaded AMoN data prior to November 7th 2024, please read the timeline and details below to see what was corrected in the data.
The August 2024 data set was the first data set to be processed using a fully static review process.
(Original notice From late October 2024)
The AMON data export functionality (https://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/networks/ammonia-monitoring-network/) uses a dynamic script to code and grade data when it is downloaded. This means that samples that have been reviewed by the AMON Reviewer are instantly visible in this download, and that notes and QR codes are dynamic based on the script. These notes and QR codes are not currently stored in any database tables.
We are changing this process to set the notes and QR codes PRIOR to download, and store those results in a static table. The web page will then be updated to export data from that static table instead of having the export results dynamically generated. This is an identical process to NTN, MDN, an AMNet exports.
There are three main steps for this process.
STEP 1: (November 1st, 2024 November 7th, 2024) Correct script errors with the ‘e’ and ‘d’ notes codes. This is required because the process to move past data into the static table, and to process new data, will continue to use this coding script. Changes to the AMON data export output will be instantaneous. See the UPDATE DETAILS section below for details.
STEP 2: (November 1st – November 4th 2024 November 7th – November 12th 2024) The current data will use the updated coding script to transfer all current data into a static table. AMON data exports will remain dynamic at this stage.
STEP 3: (November – December, 2024 November 12th, 2024) Update the NADP web pages and web code to access the static table when an AMON export is requested.
While updating this process, the following script errors were identified.
- Samples earlier than the 2022 sample year had the ‘e’ code applied incorrectly. The incorrect behavior only applied ‘e’ notes codes for samples with an exposure time over 720 hours, with a QR code of ‘B’. For samples prior to the 2022 sample year, the ‘e’ notes code should be applied for samples with an exposure time over 360 hours, with a QR code of ‘B’. No additional codes should be applied for longer exposure times for samples earlier than the 2022 sample year.
After the script code is corrected, samples earlier than the 2022 sample year will have an ‘e’ notes code applied for all samples with an exposure time > 360 hours, and a QR code of ‘B’. This change will be instantaneous when the code is updated on November 1st.
- Travel blanks with an NH4 concentration between the network detection limit and the lab method detection limit were incorrectly assigned a ‘d’ notes code with a QR code of ‘B’. Travel blanks should only assign a ‘d’ notes code, with a QR code of ‘B’ when the NH4 concentration is at or below the lab method detection limit.
After the script is corrected, travel blanks with an NH4 concentration between the network method detection limit and the lab method detection limit will no longer display a ‘d’ notes code. The QR code will depend on any other notes codes. This change will be instantaneous when the code is updated on
November 1stNovember 7th.
If you have any other update questions, please contact the NADP Data Manager, Mark Kuether, directly at mark.kuether@slh.wisc.edu