Education and Outreach Subcommittee (EOS) Newsletter Fall 2024
Hello NADP members! The education and outreach committee (EOS) holds a summer meeting every year to check in with the other committees on communication needs. EOS wanted to share those updates with you all and to remind you that it’s time to start planning for the fall NADP meeting. We hope to see you in Duluth, MN in November.
Fall meeting
The 2024 NADP Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium will take place November 4-8, 2024, in Duluth, MN. This year, the meeting theme is "Protecting the Health of Communities and Ecosystems in a Changing Climate." Oral and poster presentations are invited that cover all aspects of deposition monitoring, networks, equipment, sampling and analytical methods, modeling, research linking air quality to ecological responses, and the application and use of air quality data for education, land management, and policy.
We encourage students from all air quality related disciplines to submit abstracts and/or attend the meeting. We will have multiple opportunities for students and other new attendees to network and interact with other NADP members during the week. Current undergraduate and graduate students will be offered a discounted registration fee. Registration fees will be waived for students at local colleges. Additionally, students may apply for the Ellis B. Cowling Student Travel Award to help offset the cost of attending the meeting in-person. For more information on student engagement and support, visit: https://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/nadp2024/2024-students/
Visit the website for Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium details and abstract submission: https://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/nadp2024/. The abstract deadline is quickly approaching! Submit your abstracts by Friday, September 6!
Committee Updates
Aeroallergen Monitoring Science Committee (AMSC): The AMSC factsheet was finalized this spring. Both Andy Johnson (Chair) and Selma Isil (Secretary) are moving on from the AMSC positions. To get involved or volunteer as an officer, please email the Program Office (nadp@slh.wisc.edu).
Critical Loads of Atmospheric Deposition (CLAD): The committee has been working on science delivery tools. Specifically, the team has been making updates on CLAS, the Critical Loads Hub decision tree, and updating the CLAD database with new CLs for tree growth and development. CLAD is bringing in communication officers from multiple agencies to help publicize these tools.
Mercury in the Environment and Links to Deposition Science Committee (MELD): The Spring 2024 meeting notes were sent to attendees for review earlier this month. The 12-point plan for passive Hg sampling has been sent to experts for review.
Total Deposition Science Committee (TDep): TDep is working on a white paper summarizing the Measurement Workshop held during the spring meeting. There is an upcoming Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Community (LPELC) webinar on nitrogen deposition on September 20. David Gay (NADP), Jesse Bash (EPA), and Mahmoud Sharara (NCSU) will be presenting. To register for the webinar, visit https://lpelc.org/webinar-series/. The agriculture stakeholder working group is gearing up for a webinar series in the fall. The webinars are expected to start in October and will occur monthly for three months. Each webinar will consist of 2 or 3 topics which will build on the LPELC presentation.
Network Operations Subcommittee (NOS): NOS has been exploring options for bag sampling in MDN to reduce network costs. NOAA is discontinuing most of their Tekran-based Hg sampling, and the analyzers are available for use by interested parties. Please contact NOS Vice-Chair Winston Luke (Winston.Luke@noaa.gov) if there is interest in deploying a Tekran. Fall meeting: NOS is exploring options on how to better utilize the list-serves specifically for network site operators in order to allow NADP to collect and respond to concerns and questions around sample collection.
Education and Outreach Committee (EOS): Since the spring meeting, EOS has been working alongside the PO to organize the Ellis Cowling student travel awards and prepare for the student presentation awards at the fall meeting. EOS is compiling a slide deck of NADP success stories that highlight the utility and value of the different networks. How have you used NADP data in your research, land management, or policy development? We’d like to feature your successes in 2-3 slides of pictures and graphs that can be used by any NADP presenter. Please contact EOS secretary Emmi Felker-Quinn (emmi_felker-quinn@nps.gov) for help developing slides to feature your success story.
Quality Assurance Advisory Group (QAAG): The tabled proposal to change the sample bucket lid protocol for NTN remains an open issue and will be on the QAAG agenda for this fall. The proposed transition to switch to the Alpha samplers for AMoN has reached the stage of setting up a collocated study which will also be on the QAAG agenda and brought to the fall meeting. There is a TN/TP study underway for the National Parks Service in conjunction with Colorado State University. The USGS co-located QA sites have started two-week sampling for comparison with the regular one-week samples. The 2023 QAR is currently under internal reviews and will be brought to QAAG in the fall for approval.
Data Management Advisory Group: The 2023 data will be available by the fall meeting. The application developer is working on correcting API access issues for all NADP data. The NAL is working on improving the NTN data review process. Improvements to reports and maps on the webpages continue. WSLH recently had a demonstration of an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) product that could assist with reading and importing data from handwritten forms. The data request form deployment has been very successful, and a recently added ‘how will you use this data’ has provided additional information about who is making the request and how the data will be used.

© 2024 National Atmospheric Deposition Program 465 Henry Mall, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 email: nadp@slh.wisc.edu
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