Influence of the Ventilation Index on Sulfur Dioxide Deposition in a Mining-Metallurgical Area and Its Effect on Coastal Hill Vegetation, Lima-Peru

Karen Elizabeth Martínez Ozejo1, *, Andrés Daniel Brios Abanto1, Francesco Renato Urdanivia Lermo1

The ventilation index is a critical tool for understanding the dispersion of gases in the atmosphere. Its dynamics are particularly important in industrial settings, as it helps identify environmental components that are most likely to be impacted. The Agency for Environmental Assessment and Eforcement (OEFA) of Peru conducted a study in a coastal industrial area, where a metal refinery operates, aiming to assess the effects of SO2 emissions on air quality and Tillandsia species in the vicinity of the industrial activity.

To achieve this, SO2 levels were measured using automated ultraviolet fluorescence equipment, and meteorological parameters were recorded at five locations, both upwind and downwind of the industrial activity, over a period of approximately 20 days. Additionally, sulfur content in the plant tissue of Tillandsia (Tillandsia purpurea and Tillandsia sp.) was analyzed using the ICP-MS method in 19 composite samples, covering an area of up to 5 m2.

The results of the ventilation index indicate that during nighttime and early morning hours, atmospheric conditions in the study area are conducive to the accumulation of SO2 produced by anthropogenic activities. This is evidenced by hourly SO2 concentrations reaching up to 3014.1 μg/m3, associated with low ventilation index values that favored the accumulation of SO2 in the area. Furthermore, a statistically significant difference was observed in the sulfur concentrations in plant tissue, with higher concentrations in samples collected downwind, reaching a maximum sulfur concentration of 16138 mg/kg, compared to 3939 mg/kg found upwind.

Low ventilation index values lead to the accumulation of SO2 concentrations in the first few meters above the ground near the source location downwind. The environmental effects on the Tillandsia community included increased species mortality and elevated sulfur concentrations, as these desert plants derive their nutrients from the atmosphere, making them particularly vulnerable to atmospheric changes.

1 Agency for Environmental Assessment and Enforcement - OEFA, Lima, Peru

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