New Tools for Critical Loads and Air Pollution Effects

Linda H. Pardo1, *, Annelise Eagleton2, Jason Coombs3, Linda H. Geiser2, Michael Bell4, and Emmi Felker-Quinn4

The Critical Loads (CL) Hub was developed in order provide guidance about where to find CL-related information. The CL Hub includes background information on CLs, CL tools and reports, data on CL and deposition, EPA Air quality documents, and detailed guidance on using CLs in resource management. As estimates of CLs have proliferated, it has become more difficult for potential users to identify which resource will be most useful to them. In addition, because of the complexity of some of the tools that have been developed, it can be difficult for users to learn how to access the specific information that they need. The CL Hub includes a "guidance panel" to the right of the active tool window; this panel provides step-by-step instructions for how to use each of the websites included in the CL Hub.

We will highlight several of the tools included in the CL Hub: (1) the Watershed Condition Framework (USFS), (2) Air Quality Conditions and Trends (NPS, USFS. FWS), and (3) Critical Load Assessment by Site (CLAS) tool. The Watershed Condition Framework (WCF) is a comprehensive approach for implementing integrated restoration on priority national forest and grassland watersheds. Air Quality Conditions and Trends provides unit-specific air quality data, conditions, and trends for ozone, particulate matter, visibility, nitrogen, and sulfur. CLAS is a CL and exceedance mapping tool that facilitates assessment of risk to forest and aquatic ecosystems for resource managers and policy makers. CLAS includes CL and exceedance information for epiphytic lichens, sensitive lakes and streams, and trees. The CL Hub can be accessed at; CLAS can be accessed at These tools, developed by CLAD WG-3 support science-based decision-making for resource management.

1 USDA Forest Service, Burlington, VT

2 USDA Forest Service, National Air Program, Washington, DC

3 US Fish and Wildlife Service, Lamar, PA

4 National Park Serv ice, Air Resources Division, Denver, CO

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